22 Newton Thruster with Fully
Cooled Nozzle and Chamber
(this product no longer available)
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Introducing the 22N Bi-Propellant
Rocket Engine. This thruster has been in development since
1995 and has been operated for up to 8 minutes per unit and
over 100 minutes for a series.
Nozzle shown is for sea level operation;
a 60:1 bell is for operation in Space
The 22N rocket engine is
38 millimeters in diameter and 120 millimeters in length (approximately
1.5” OD x 5.0”). It operates on a specially
formulated fuel/coolant and liquid Nitrous Oxide as oxidizer.
Both propellants are pre-pressurized eliminating the need
for a pressurizing system. Sensors detect initial temperature,
ignition, over-temperature and cooling system status.
Prototype engine operating at full
thrust in a static test
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Test shown above was performed
at sea level where the thrust is approximately fifteen Newtons
in force. The mach diamonds in the exhaust stream are
clearly visible.
engine must be operated with a programmed start-up and shut-down
electronic interface and is therefore only supplied in turn-key
packages. A system is comprised of one 22 N rocket engine,
high pressure tanks for fuel and oxidizer with integrated
pressurization, valves, plumbing, ignition subsystem, sensors,
and control unit.
engine can readily be assembled in systems providing up to
7000 Newton-Seconds total impulse. The total impulse accuracy
is approximately + 1 Newton for an average 20 seconds