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Rocket Motors for the Amateur and Hobbyist

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Updated product selection available in our new webstore
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Acrylic/Nitrous Oxide Hybrid Rocket Motor using whipped cream chargers!


22N composite photo

Introducing the 22N Bi-Propellant Thruster

A terrific motor for High School Physics programs, University Propulsion and Aerospace curriculum
and General Research



KNO3 - Sugar Motor Kit

LR101 Lox/Kerosene Motor

LR64 Motor

Gemini Thruster Motor
Liquid Motors
  • LR-101
  • Gemini Thrusters
  • LR-32 Regen
  • LR64 Jayhawk Motor
  • 200lb-f Ablative
  • Liquid Boilerplate Ablative
Hybrid Motors
  • RATTWorks
  • RATTWorks Tri-Brid
Rattworks ABS/Alcohol/N2O Tribrid motor

Purple Stuff Nozzles and Cases
Solid Motors
  • Motor Making Supplies
  • Solid boilerplate
  • 200lb-f Ablative
Test Motors
  • Solid boilerplate
  • Liquid boilerplate
Other Products Available
  • Test stands
  • Motor plans
  • Motor Making Supplies
  • Load Cells
  • Custom designs
  • teststand4
Here are some cool little bipropellant thrusters we see on an occasional basis
Aerocon Systems Co.  Warning: All liability waived! Rocketry is an inherently dangerous undertaking.
Make your choices and take personal responsibility for the outcome of your experiment!
Protect your privilege to fly rockets by not making the headlines or becoming a statistic.