Experimental Composite Propellant

Experimental Composite Propellant

  • Product Code: LIT13
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Price:$65.00

Experimental Composite Propellant
by P'rfesser Terry McCreary Ph.D. Murray State University, Kentucky

-The Touchstone of Experimental Propellant Making Manuals-

Experimental Composite Propellant answers the very questions most often asked by those starting in amateur rocketry. It gets the beginner out of the "beginner" category quickly. And it answers both "how" and "why" questions.

What's the difference between Isp and total impulse? It's in there. How is a nozzle designed? It's in there. How can propellant be hand-mixed? It's in there. How are cure calculations for HTPB and for PBAN done? It's in there. How do you use a coring rod for small grains? It's in there. A design for 29mm and 38mm graphite nozzles, and machining procedure for them? It's in there. A four-ingredient propellant that will produce Isp>200 s? What's a plasticizer? What's a binder? Does a fast burning propellant have high impulse? What does Tepanol do? How can small inexpensive test motors be constructed? How is a reloadable motor machined? How do I find burn rate exponent and burn rate coefficient? How do I use Propep? Why don't we see more endburning motors? What about vacuum processing? It's all in there.

ECP answers the very questions most often asked by those starting into amateur rocketry. It gets the beginner out of the "beginner" category quickly. And it answers a lot of "why" questions.

243 pp, over 80 figures and photographs. Includes diskette of spreadsheets; specify Excel or Quattro Pro format.

The files on the diskette are:
Mototut.exe - a graphic representation of a motor burning
PROPEL20.xls - an Excel spreadsheet to help you characterize your propellant formula

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